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Uterine Preservation Surgery for Uterine Prolapse
(Sacral Colpopexy, Sacral Colpohysteropexy, Hysteropexy)

Pelvic organ (uterus, bladder, urethra, rectum, intestines) prolapse is a common problem among women of all ages. Prolapse simply means a lack of support and any of the above pelvic organs can prolapse (or fall) out of its normal anatomical position. About 50% of women who have had children have or had some form of pelvic organ prolapse in their lifetime. The lifetime risk at the age of 80 for surgical intervention is approximately 11%. In fact uterine prolapsed is the most common indication for hysterectomy in women over the age of 55 in the U.S.

Benefits of Laparoscopic Uterine Suspension

  • Miniature Incisions
  • 98% Cure Rate Uterine Support
  • 1 tablespoon – Average Blood Loss
  • 30 minute procedure
  • 1 Day Hospital Stay

Doctors John R. Miklos and Robert D. Moore are/have:

  • Internationally-renowned Vaginal Surgeons
  • Patients from 49 states & 48 countries
  • Performed > 1200 Laparosopic Sacral Colpopexy/Hysteropexy
  • Largest published worldwide series
  • Outstanding results
  • >99% success of completing surgery laparoscopically


Traditional treatment of uterine prolapse has been hysterectomy (ie removal of the uterus).   There are many reasons why physicians have adhered to this treatment however in the past many surgeons rarely took into account the patient’s disposition and reason for wanting to keep her uterus.  Dr Miklos & Moore realize it is a woman’s right to make decisions about her uterus and ovaries and will do everything possible to respect the rights and wishes of the woman with respect to her uterus and ovaries.  The “gold standard” operation for supporting the uterus and/or vaginal vault is the sacral colpopexy and Dr Miklos & Moore have the largest medically published series in the world on the operation.  (Click here to read the article). Not only is it the largest published series in the world for sacral colpopexy/hysteropexy, Dr Miklos & Moore do the operation through miniature incisions (ie laparoscopy) whereas most surgeons do the procedure through a large abdominal incision known as a laparotomy. 

Though some people have reservations about using mesh for uterine suspension Dr Miklos’ & Moore’s paper on sacral colpopexy will illuminate how rare these complications are.  The sacral colpopexy is without a doubt the BEST OPERATION ever developed for uterine and vaginal vault suspension.  So why don’t more people do it laparoscopically, they just are not capable.  They lack training and the skill to perform the procedure in a safe fashion. Utilizing a sacral colpopexy to preserve the uterus can be known by many different names including:  sacral colpopexy, sacral colpohysteropexy, hysteropexy, sacral promontofixation, uterine suspension and uterine preservation.  Patients should understand that the sacral colpopexy can be performed with or without the uterus in place. 


Call now for a confidential consultation with our Patient Representative Atlanta & Beverly Hills 678-573-6965